Come on, admit it.
You know you’ve done it.
At least once.
Who hasn’t used the Apple brand as an example?
In a presentation. In a workshop. On a vision board. As an example of a brand your client wants theirs to be like.
And why not? Apple is the world's most valuable brand, with a brand valuation of $947.1 billion, according to BRANDZ rankings, growing 55% year-on-year and reclaiming its number 1 spot over Amazon.
But what does Apple stand for? What is their brand strategy all about?
What Apple have done, like all other leading brands, is answer some simple questions. The have crystal clear answers to:
1. WHY do we exist?
2. WHO are we and HOW do we do things?
3. HOW do we look, feel and sound?
4. WHAT do we do?
In my 20 years of brand strategy practice and research I've learnt that all of the world's strongest brands also...