What are the best things to read and listen to to get better at brand strategy?
Here's a list of the ones I'd recommend - and ones recommended from brand strategists on LinkedIn.
Enjoy! (And don’t get overwhelmed. There isn’t a brand strategist out there who reads and follows all of this - although I do try!).
Books are the most radically condensed form of knowledge on the planet. Steven Kotler
In ‘The Art of Impossible’, Steven Kotler makes the case for reading books over any other form of content.
He highlights the time taken to research and write one vs. the time it takes you to read it.
Blogs – 3 minutes of reading gets you 3 days of someone’s time and effort.
Articles – 20 minutes gets you four months.
Books – five hours gets you fifteen years of someone's expertise.
So I had to start here!
Here's what the brand strategist community recommend you read in order to get better at brand strategy.
Not basic ones on what brands are, what brand strategy is. You know all this by now (if you're really starting from scratch, scroll down for the best ones on the fundamentals).
The are ones that follow help you go deeper, and cover things like:
Be aware that they are rarely called this! What you're looking for are stories, ideally from the perspective of CEOs, that show how changes in a brand strategy improved a brand and business. Here are four of the best.
Note that Grow has received criticism for the way the research was conducted - ignore those parts - and what they say the brands stand for. Focus on the case studies - they are illuminating.
Also look at:
Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love From Day One - Emily Heyward
This is strong on Start-Ups - it includes case studies from brands like Casper, Sweetgreen, Allbirds, Warby Parker and Glossier.
“Research how companies succeed or fail and evaluate / deconstruct them. It can be from a book or watching a documentary. For example: what were the missteps taken by WeWork? What were the right steps taken at Nike? (No pun intended).” Richard Brown
Also consider books that help to guide CEO success. You want brand strategy to be a conversation in the boardroom, so learn to talk their language. Try:
When you really understand brand strategy, you understand that it's not just about guiding marketing and branding. it's just as much about engaging the whole organisation to deliver experiences that build the associations you want to stand for in people's minds (that's all a brand is after all, associations and assets! (More on that here)).
Read these three books to understand this better.
One of the best books I've seen on the practical steps you need to take to ensure that brand and culture are truly embedded within an organisation.
This one is really practical; from her experiences at Adobe,Twitter, WeWork, Udemy.
More academic, but full of data to prove out how culture impacts business success.
The last one should be on your list if you haven’t read it yet. It's the book you need to read if you want to work more long-term with clients helping them grow brands through marketing. All chapters are data-rich to back up their strong assertions. Part 1 is CPG heavy, Part 2 covers emerging markets, services, durables, new and luxury brands.
“I strongly encourage anyone who wants to be taken seriously as a brand consultant to get serious about human pyschology...aka Behavioural Economics, Design Thinking, Service Design, CX etc. etc. Brands being the thing that connects people and businesses. I have come across brand strategists who look down on the entire discipline of research / insight. Highly myopic IMHO. When reframed as the exploration of motivations, needs, desires, hopes, aspirations, fears and insecurities (as opposed to "testing the ideas to see which one people like best" in a viewing facility near Slough) to inspire brand building, then understanding and engaging with customers becomes an essential skill of any brand strategist." Ned Colville
Recommendations in this area:
Orlando Wood is a great person to follow and read - his book Look Out is super on the importance of emotion in building brands in particular.
Jeremy Bullmore - “adland's greatest philosopher”, and one of my mentors on the WPP Fellowship, sadly passed this year, but his great thinking lives on in his books, like Behind The Scenes In Advertising, and on the free site 'Best of Bullmore.'
Julian Cole is putting a lot of great free ad plannning/comms strategy resources out there, and there's also Alex Morris's Strategy Scrapbook.
"I like to read the posts of Dave Trott and George Tannenbaum. Yes, their primary focus is advertising, but their years of expertise are a goldmine for all forms of communication and strategy." Paul Lewis
The best book on naming I've found is:
For books on brand strategy into design my favourites are:
“I also learn from reading books by designers (old and young; graphic, interaction and beyond): they often write in profound ways about their work and I find familiar brands and objects take on new meaning once the ideas and people behind them are revealed. As an example (it sounds a little on the frivolous side), over Christmas I read a book called 'Understanding Comics' by Scott McCloud and it absolutely blew my mind. There's stuff in there about purpose, form, idiom, structure, craft and surface which can be extrapolated to branding. And then there's fiction... Where would we be without that?” Nick Liddell
The top 3 in my mind are:
Nick Liddell's You are a Fish.
Don't be put off by the title - it's the best brand strategy book out there in my mind. And it's free here online.
Read also The Brand Book by Daryl Fielding. Super on the fundamentals and includes helpful tools.
And RED Marketing, The Three Ingredients of Leading Brands, Greg Creed and Ken Muench Great case studies, process and tools - particularly for consumer brands (it's written by the former CEO and CMO of Yum Brands who own KFC and Taco Bell, among others).
Marty Neumeier’s work - particularly Zag and The Brand Gap are also often recommended.
And Dan White writes and illustrates a set of really short and accessible, insight-packed guides, like ‘The Smart Branding Book.’
It helps to understand the difference and cross-overs from business to brand strategy.
Try these for starters!
Consider investing some time in studying how to do brand strategy work in the most productive way – to avoid, sadly oh-so-common, burnout.
Three books that have helped me in this area are:
And finally – make sure you find your way, your voice. Here’s two brand consultants’ take on that.
Ready for something a bit shorter?
I publish Brand Strategy Smarter most weeks – sharing with you my learnings on how to, well, you’ve guessed it...
Off Kilter newsletter by Paul Worthington ("which is a weekly treat and invariably contains links to other brilliant thinkers and thoughts").
Jim Carroll's blog.
Alex M H Smith's strategy emails: https://basicarts.org/newsletter/
Interbrand’s Now and Next newsletter.
StratScraps newsletter from Alex Morris https://stratscraps.substack.com
The Brand New site by UnderConsideration, LLC (“easily worth the annual subscription”).
“A subscription to HBR will pay back many times over.”
McKinsey’s marketing and sales insights.
Mark Ritson's weekly column in Marketing Week is a must-read.
Hope this helps!
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